There comes a moment in life when we’re called to embrace change and step into the person we’re destined to be. Even if you love the comfort level you’re in, true growth doesn’t happen in a place of safety. Change is good if you allow it to be and can lead to an incredible transformation.
It’s okay to be open about things you’re not familiar with, but don’t let fear hold you back from what something could be, rather than what it is.
The power of change allows us to take on challenges and turn them into opportunities, making us stronger mentally and physically. Embracing change can enable us to redefine our lives the way we want. Always keep in mind that each step forward opens new doors and possibilities.
Missing Opportunities
I know we’ve all had our fair share of times when we’ve missed an opportunity we know we should’ve taken. The only thing we can do now is move forward and be ready for the next opportunity that comes our way.
I believe we miss out on opportunities because we are too stuck on what others have going on in their lives. We don’t see what’s right in front of our eyes, and we may forget that we have a life of our own. Our judgments often get clouded by other’s perspectives. Which makes us doubt ourselves because we don’t feel like we’re capable of performing well, and don’t feel prepared for the opportunities that come our way. As a result, our mind turns to negative thoughts of how we overthink our abilities to take on an opportunity.
This generation makes it hard for individuals to feel confident because they compare their lives to others on social media. The observers end up wanting the same lifestyle as the individuals they watch because of the influence it brings. The influence on trends has a significant impact on this generation, given that social media makes people feel pressured to follow the crowd instead of following the path that’s right for them. This can lead individuals to overlook opportunities that don’t seem as popular.
Social media has an impact that can make others not do something they want simply because they don’t see others doing it. Growing up, my mother always told me, “Don’t be a follower, be a leader.” This is what others should go by since there are times when we may lose sight of greater opportunities if we try to stay with what’s popular rather than what our goals are. Comparison is the thief of joy. As long as you’re being true to yourself, nothing else matters because you know in your heart that all is well.
Fear of Rejection
When you are open-minded, you allow yourself to look beyond the fear. Recognize that whether your experience is a success or a setback, there will still be room for improvement. The most surprising moments in life guide us to where we need to be sometimes.
The fear of a “no” often outweighs the benefits of a “yes” in our minds, but in reality, it's actually the inverse. When we hear the word “no,” we automatically go into defensive mode and start doubting ourselves. Instead, we should look at the “no” as an opportunity that something greater is in store for us. When things don’t go how I expect it to, I always tell myself that “everything happens for a reason.” This is because no matter how badly we may want something, we won’t be satisfied with it if it’s not aligned with our journey.
Being open-minded about rejection can make you a stronger person. When you realize that, although you didn’t get the opportunity you thought was the right one for you, there are more out there waiting. Never settle or give up on yourself because of rejection. Be open to trying new things simply because you may or may not find something that brings you joy, comfort, or a new perspective you didn’t know you needed.
Things Happen for a Reason
Even when things don’t make sense at the moment, it happens for a reason.
For instance, people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. They all leave some mark on us, which teaches us something valuable, whether we agree with that lesson or not. We often don’t understand the purpose of it all as it’s happening, which may make us question why they came into our lives in the first place.
Sometimes, people don’t meet our expectations or match our mindsets anymore, which is okay. Everyone outgrows people in their lives; it’s a part of life. Growth can come in different ways. Being open-minded, though, is a different case. When we are open-minded, we look at many perspectives, ideas, and experiences other than our own. Everyone ends up growing at their own pace and in their own time. This is what makes us start to accept that outgrowing people doesn't have to seem like there is conflict, it's just how life works. Growth allows us to move forward and not backward. Open-mindedness teaches us that we should appreciate and respect the paths that individuals take, especially if they no longer serve us any purpose.
This is why being open-minded is important, for the simple fact that we can’t control the way life goes. Life always has unexpected consequences that can challenge us, but they also have the power to change our perspective on situations.
Next Breakthrough
Overcoming your fears can be the change for your next breakthrough. Unlocking a source of strength and resilience can transform your mindset into something greater. Break barriers and pave the way for your future. With every move you make, you have the potential to move closer to a life full of purpose, proving that–no matter the fear–you have the strength to rise.
Everyone experiences a sort of breakthrough in their life. These breakthroughs occur after periods of struggle arise and we feel lost or stuck. However, this is when we realize the strength that we endure within. Each person has a different breakthrough, so it’s okay not to have the same one as others. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others anyway, because that will only make you lose sight of your own journey and doubt your self-worth.
For me, my next breakthrough is graduating from college. This is a huge accomplishment because I’m a first-generation student. I am now in my last year as an undergraduate, but throughout my experience in college, I’ve had doubts and fears that I wouldn’t make it sometimes. Life gets hard, but I had to realize that I not only want to make my parents proud, but I want to make myself proud. I have so much in store for myself, and finally, being able to accomplish such a magnificent milestone is beyond amazing.
Once I graduate with my undergraduate degree in psychology, I will be going for my master’s in social work. My journey will not be over yet, as I plan to become a mental health therapist for adolescents while also establishing a private practice later down the line. My message to others who have felt the fear of not wanting to do what’s best for them is that if you don’t want it for yourself, it will be a lot harder to obtain your goals. You should never be afraid to be different, because being different makes you stand out. I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and I can’t wait to see what the next breakthrough will be on my journey.
Wrapping Things Up
Overall, everyone has the power to make a change in their life. Although you may not think you’re capable of doing so, everyone has the ability to create opportunities for themselves. Fear often holds us back because we’re scared of the outcome; nevertheless, you should always keep your head high and allow yourself to fulfill whatever you want for yourself. Even though things happen for a reason, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be fixed or changed. You should never remain stagnant because of what others say or make you feel. Allow yourself to grow and build a life more valuable than you’ve ever imagined. We never know when our breakthrough will come, but we should always stay ready to the best of our ability. We are all strong individuals. Never dim your light and always stay open to new experiences and perspectives because you never know where they can take you.
About the Author
Te’laira is a senior at the University of Nevada Las Vegas & majors in psychology. She is from Oakland, California. In her free time she likes to hang out with her friends or watch tv shows. When she’s not doing those things though she’s probably shopping online. Te’laira is a new intern at LYF with the blog and newsletter team, and is enjoying every moment of her new journey.