Questions by Sierra Zimmer
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Sierra: Hello Kennedy, I love your new blog post! It suits this month's theme perfectly. Where did your inspiration come from? Does it come from your own love of gardening?
Kennedy: Thank you so much, Sierra! I would say that my inspiration came from the definition of harvest itself. Harvest is about gathering crops, and I wanted to turn that into a metaphor which is why I made my post about “harvesting your goals.” I also do not garden, but I would love to maybe create one when I am out on my own one day! I did, however, get into the mindset of harvesting plants because I’ve recently been thinking about getting some plants of my own to put in my room!
S: I loved your connection between gardening and self-growth. You mentioned that this “Gardener’s logic” can be applied to many different parts of life, what are some other applications of this? And how did this logic help you in those applications?
K: I would say that this logic could also be applied to taking care of pets. You must be patient with them when they make messes and disobey you. You must be persistent with them when teaching them new tricks and teaching them the rules of the house, and you must trust that they will eventually respect you as their master. I’ve grown up with pets my whole life, and although I am not the primary caregiver of my pets, I have seen what my parents have gone through to train them correctly. It is definitely not an easy task to take care of a pet, but it is definitely worth it in the end.
S: You talk about patience as a habit, do you have any advice on how to grow that habit? I know I have difficulty with not checking on how things are going (even with plants!) and disrupting the growth.
K: One of the best pieces of advice I can give a person is to think about what you are aiming for in the end. Sometimes the journey isn’t the prettiest or the most fun, but it is important to keep in mind that all of your hard work will pay off in the end and that you don’t want to do all this work for nothing. Just keep thinking about the finish line, and you will reach your goal for sure! Also, remember to practice different techniques to calm yourself if you ever get frustrated with a goal. Some of these include meditating, focusing on your breathing, and taking breaks when you need to.
S: I love how you talk about persistence and how no matter if it fails, giving your all is comforting. What is your advice for those that feel discouraged or unmotivated toward their goals?
K: To those who are feeling discouraged or unmotivated about their goals, my advice to you is to remember that it is okay to not be perfect. It is okay to not succeed at something the first time. Even the smartest and strongest people fail at their goals. It is what makes us human! And sometimes we have to alter our goals, and that is okay! What matters is that you did your best.
S: And of course, you talk about trust as well, especially about believing in yourself and the work you’ve put in. How did you grow that trust in yourself?
K: To grow that trust in yourself, you must be nice to yourself and believe in yourself. What I mean by this is to use positive language toward yourself. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” say, “I can do this, I just need to figure out a way to do it.” Practicing positive affirmations is also very helpful as well! When you do all of these things, you will subconsciously believe in yourself more, and you will flourish a lot more than if you didn’t do these.
S: And then you tie it all back into our month’s theme of harvest. What do you think is the first step to achieving the three tenets you outline?
K: I’d say the first step to achieving these three tenets would be to have a plan. I recommend using the SMART goal template to create your own goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time. Your goal must be specific in what you want to accomplish, your goal must have measurable progress, it must be within your reach to achieve, it must be relevant to your life, and you should have a timeline in which you want to achieve it.
S: That’s all I have for you. But first, where can our audience find you? And what will you be working on next?
K: Our audience can find me on Instagram @kennedyyymh which is my personal account. I’m not sure what I’ll be working on next, but in the meantime, I will be focusing on marketing various content on the LYF Instagram page!