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The Fun You Have Yet to Discover - Interview with Cesia Cordies

Writer's picture: Cesia CordiesCesia Cordies

Questions by Loraine Garcia

Find the original post here.

L: Just to start off, I wanted to say that I found this blog post so relatable. There are so many things that I have wanted to try out recently (like drawing and coding) but I always feel like it’s just too late for me to do so, so thank you for reminding all of us that it isn’t too late to start something new!

So, how did you come up with the topic for this blog post?

C: I was actually having a lot of trouble with blog ideas for this month so I asked my main editor, Selina, for help. She told me to stop overthinking it and ask myself what I wanted to tell the audience. She also suggested I produce a stream of consciousness draft once I finally had something I could start with, and then find my message in that draft. I started with the story of the longboard, and eventually my purpose with the blog just clicked.

L: In the blog post, you state, “I had this idea that I should have already figured out my likes and dislikes by a certain age, and I would look ridiculous exploring new things that differed from the image I already created of myself.” How has this image of yourself changed from when you were younger?

C: When I was younger I tried to be someone who seemed determined with personal goals and private. The big difference with the new image today is that I don’t try to seem like anything. I just let myself be and I allow myself to take initiative with whatever I’m drawn to, instead of shying away from it.

L: You mentioned your interest in longboarding in your blog post. What are some other things you’re interested in trying out? If so, is there something you’re really excited to try out?

C: The reason I want to get into longboarding is because I’d love to learn how to surf one day. I don’t live near a beach, so longboarding is the closest I’ll get in the meantime. I’m also interested in martial arts and solo travel.

L: You mention the fear of judgment in your post and how you’ll have to take control of it rather than wait until it goes away. What do you do to take control of this fear? What are some steps our readers can take to control their fears?

C: I remind myself that I’m choosing my logical mind over my emotional (a.k.a fearful) mind, which helps me stay focused on my goal despite any potential judgment I may receive. I also think that finding a friend with similar interests can make the process a lot easier, but we have to be okay with doing scary things alone as well.

L: What do you want our audience to take away from reading this?

C: I hope they understand that they’re never tied to any version of themselves except their present selves. Be open to new experiences as a way to show respect to the evolution of your future self.

L: And lastly, what have you been up to lately and where can our audience find you?

C: I’ve been trying to put more energy into travel, and you can stay tuned with my success on this via my Instagram @cesirii.

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